Nutritional Supplements

The Herb and Supplement Index by Interflyer

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Name alpha-lipoic acid


Scientific Name

Description Also known as thioctic acid or simply lipooic acid. It works with enzymes throughout the body to speed the processes in energy production. It is also a very powerful antioxidant, neutralizing naturally occuring, highly reactive molecules called free radicals that can damage cells. The body manufactures minute amounts. It is also found in foods, such as spinach, meat (especially liver), and brewer's yeast. Alpha-lipoic acid affects nearly every cell in the body. It assists all of the B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, pantotheric acid and niacin) in converting carbohydrates, protein and fats in foods into energy. It is a cell protecting antioxidant that may help the body recycle other anitoxidants such as vitamins C and E boosting their potency.

Uses Its primary use is to treat nerve damage, from any cause, including diabetic neuropathy, (long term complications that causes pain and loss of feeling in the limbs.) May counteract nerve damage through its antioxidant effects. Helps people with diabetes respond to insulin, by lowering glucose levels. Increases blood flow to the nerves and enhances the conduction of nerve impulses. Assists the liver, protecting it against damag from free radicals, clearing toxins from the body. Sometimes used to treat Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, and other liver ailments as well as poisoning ( by lead or other heavy metals, or hazardous industrial chemicals as carbon tetraclhloride. May help with (Alzheimer's disease, prevent cataracts, suspress viral reproduction, boost immune system.)

Notes For people with diabetes, the use of Alpha-lipoic acid may require a change in insulin or other medications.

Possible Side Effects

REMINDER If you have a medical condition such as a heart condition, high blood pressure, palpatations, high blood sugar or other medical conditions talk to your doctor before taking supplements.
